Posts in Health & Wellness
What even is PVC?

PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is a plastic used in an exhausting list of products like water pipes, toys, tape, artificial Christmas trees, plastic wrap, drinking straws, food packaging, medication packaging, IV bags and tubes, credit cards, shower curtains, clear shoe heels, and synthetic patent leather, to name a few. This is all fine and well, except that vinyl chloride is a known human carcinogen.

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What even is formaldehyde?

Formaldehyde. A colorless, flammable gas with a strong odor. For many people the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “formaldehyde” is the strong odor of nail polish. But you might not be aware of just how common formaldehyde donors, also known as formaldehyde releasers, are in your everyday life.

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What even are phthalates?

Phthalates are esters of phthalic acid, commonly referred to as plasticizers. They’re used to increase the durability and flexibility of plastics. They’re also found in a myriad of products the average person comes into contact with on a daily basis, such as wallpapers, vinyl flooring, food packaging, pharmaceuticals, plastic coated clothing, detergent, dish soap, shampoo, hairspray, makeup, and toys.

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